Donate to support our work

Since beginning our work in 2011/12, the Selig Suffolk Trust has relied on donations and grants from local individuals and organisation.

Selig (Suffolk) Trust is a registered charity. We use our donations wisely and responsibly. Wherever possible, we will respect your wishes if you ask us to allocate your donation to a particular area of our work.

Please download, complete, and send us a Gift Aid declaration form if you are a UK taxpayer.

Click here to download one of our gift aid forms. Completing this and sending it to us will increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you.

There are 2 simple ways to donate:

You can post a cheque made payable to “Selig Suffolk Trust” to Selig Suffolk Trust, 1 Civic Drive, Ipswich, IP1 2AR

Or you can pay a donation directly in to our bank account using the following details:

Selig Suffolk Trust, Sort Code: 08 92 99, Account Number: 65777019