Showing those without a home that they are cared for, and helping them live healthier, happier lives.
Our Current Projects
Selig Suffolk Springboard
Our newest service is called Selig Suffolk Springboard. It provides affordable, high quality, self-catering, supported accommodation for 7 adults who would otherwise be homeless.
It began in June 2023 in the newly adapted building that had hosted our winter night shelter since 2020.
Selig Suffolk
Hope into Action
We have been running the Suffolk franchise of Hope into Action UK since 2015.
Click here to go to the Hope into Action UK website to find out how Hope into Action UK works with local churches to provide homes to those who find themselves homeless.
We have three Hope into Action homes in Ipswich and two in Bury St Edmunds.
If your church would like to work with us to open another Hope into Action home, please contact us on 01473 937980.
Previous Projects
Ipswich Winter Night Shelter
Selig coordinated the Ipswich Winter Night Shelter for over 10 years until it closed in March 2022.
From 2016/17 onwards, Selig employed staff to work with our winter shelter guests during the day, helping them to secure longer term accommodation and support. As a result, 87% of the winter shelter the guests who worked with our staff, did not, as far as we are aware, experience homelessness again.
The average number of guests using our winter shelter declined steadily and, in the winter of 2021/22, the average occupancy was just 2 or 3 people per night. We consulted widely about how best to continue to support those who become homeless.
Selig Suffolk Springboard was launched in June 2023, using the building that had been the venue for our night shelter.